Check-out PREVISOFT,
software for the management of the contractor

Coactivity software: prevention plan,
fire permit, safety protocol…

The “Coactivity” module aims to help you edit the necessary and mandatory documents in cases of coactivity (that is to say, intervention from external companies) one-off or permanent.

Thanks to PREVISOFT’s coactivity software, you can :

Edit fire permits

Edit work permits

Edit work at height permits

Edit work in confined space permits

Edit prevention plans for external companies

Edit safety protocols for loading and unloading operations

Edit consignments/deconsignments to secure the machine during maintenance operations

organigramme-logiciel document unique

Modular management by entity

Previsoft coactivity software allows you to set up monitoring by work unit, establishment, region, workshop, production site, etc.

tableau-logiciel document unique

Custom statistics consolidation

The interface of the Previsoft solution gives you the opportunity to consolidate your indicators (severity rate, frequency rate, …) by institution or by entity.

An integration service for your data

Are you currently working on an Excel file? Do you have a lot of data to transfer? Save time by entrusting us with integrating your data into the solution.

Let’s meet!

There are many functionalities of the Previsoft coactivity software.
Here is an overview of the features of your tool

External Companies

Create and manage the list of external companies

Register stakeholders from external companies

Summary of documents generated for the external company (fire permit, work permit, work at height
permit, work in confined space permit,prevention plan, safety protocol and consignment)

Prevention Plan

Detail information related to the prevention plan (start and end of work dates, nature and location of work, external company, external contractors, subcontractor, phase of work, equipment loan, procedure, verification conditions at the start of the work, etc…

Do the risk analysis associated with the prevention plan

Edit prevention plans

Duplicate prevention plans

Work permits

Complete data related to the work permit (name of the person in charge, nature of the work to be
done, description of the materials used, etc…)

Do the risk analysis associated with the work permit

Edit and duplicate work permits to minimise the risks associated with interventions by external
companies that do not require a prevention plan..

Fire permit

Complete data related to the fire permit (work order, date and time of start and end of work, operations to be carried out, specific instructions, means of alert, nature of work, etc…)

Automatic association of chemicals identified in the chemical risks module

Edit fire permits

Duplicate fire permits

Work at height permit

Fill in the data related to the work permit at height (nature of work to be done, validity limits, speakers, signatories, etc…)

Edit work at height permits

Duplicate work at height permits

Work in confined space permit

Conduct risk analysis for confined space work permit

Edit work in confined space permits

Duplicate work in confined space permits

Security Protocols

Fill in the data related to the safety protocol (transport companies, on the ground guides, equipment, special precautions, reception procedures, PPE, etc.)

Do the risk analysis associated with the safety protocol

Edit and duplicate safety protocols to minimise the risks associated with interventions by external companies that do not require a prevention plan

Consignment Certificate

Fill in the data related to the consignment certificate (start date and end date, time slot, type of
work, material to be recorded, safety measures, photo, etc…)

Edit consignment certificates

Duplicate consignment certificates